Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Powerpoint Templates

There are 2 official type of Power Point Templates:-

1. Design Templates - A single slide template with only graphical design

2. Content Templates - This is the template with suggested content, it can be get from PowerPoint AutoContent Wizard or New from Presentations Templates.

Majority of the Power Point Users refer the Design Templates as Templates, they keep looking for the design templates thought it would help them to make presentation better.

But most of the time when you prepare a presentation from scratch, it is not only how beautiful is the graphical design and multimedia, it is the content you want to deliver to your audience. So you need to brainstorm the content. More...

Monday, March 21, 2005

What is this blog?

This is a blog to share with you the Microsoft Powerpoint tips and tricks in presentation slide show and templates from http://www.powerpoint-slide-show-templates.com website.

Let's start!